Hi, I’m Tina.

Hello friends,

Thank you for taking the time to learn a little about me during this special chapter of your life. I’m Tina, a proud mother to two amazing young women thriving in college, daughter, sister, friend to many. My life’s mission is to inspire others and be inspired by them. Here's a glimpse into my journey over the past 20 years:

I experienced two back-to-back pregnancies and births. My eldest, Hailey, was a joy to bring into the world. Her birth was easy-peasy, mirroring her laid-back personality to this day. Opting for an epidural was one of the best decisions I made, making Hailey’s birth one of the most fun and memorable days of my life. Our breastfeeding journey lasted a year, filled with normal challenges but ultimately rewarding.

Two years later, our family was completed with the arrival of sweet Ashley. She kept us on our toes towards the end of my pregnancy, being breech. I consented to an External Cephalic Version (ECV), and the OB successfully turned her. However, she decided to arrive in the occiput posterior (OP) position, or as they say, sunny side up! Delivering her was a proud moment for me, and her birth perfectly reflects her feisty yet perfect personality. Our year of breastfeeding was smoother this time, with lots of skin-to-skin bonding.

Before my children were born, I worked a 9-5 job at a law firm. However, once I became pregnant, I knew I wanted to stay home full-time. This led me to launch an in-home daycare, where I could nurture babies and children with understanding and grace as they navigated this big world. After five wonderful years, my girls reached school age, and I decided to close the daycare to focus on volunteering at their school.

With my daughters now successfully embracing adulthood, my passion for supporting women, children, and families remained strong. This passion led me to become a Postpartum Doula. For the past 2.5 years, I have had the privilege of serving as a Postpartum Doula with Rebecca Rose Doulas (RRDS), a team dedicated to providing compassionate and expert support to families during the delicate postpartum period. Working alongside RRDS has deepened my understanding of the unique needs of new parents and strengthened my commitment to offering guidance, encouragement, and care during this transformative time. As part of the RRDS family, I am honored to continue supporting families with empathy, respect, and unwavering dedication.

In addition to my doula work, I have a passion for cooking and creating a warm, loving home. I believe in filling our spaces with love and nurturing those around me through delicious meals and heartfelt hospitality.

Thank you for allowing me to share my heart and passion with you. I look forward to being part of this sacred journey with you. At RRDS, we do not take this role lightly. Thank you for entrusting us with your care.

